The National Palace Museum 100:Treasures of Emperors
Over the course of millennia in Chinese history, emperors have often used their collections of precious objects to satisfy their own desires of collecting and to express their love of the arts. Based either on the need to advocate government policy or manifest imperial majesty, the symbolic significance of collection objects expressed the legitimacy of political power, representing the supreme and undisputed authority of the “Son of Heaven.” Whether the motivation was for political and didactic purposes, or purely resulting from the pursuit of beauty, the active participation to various degrees of emperors often led the way in court art, becoming the main direction and force of impetus in artistic activities at the time.
The book The National Palace Museum : 100 Treasures of Emperors, edited and produced by Acoustiguide Taiwan, features a selection of a hundred of the finest masterpieces from the National Palace Museum collection. Introducing to readers the collections and aesthetic interests of important emperors in Chinese history as well as their relationship to the artistic developments of their time, I believe they bear witness to the long-standing history and period significance of these ancient treasures. Now in the 21st century, the deep inherent significance and aesthetic value will continue to be presented to people around the world by means of such the channels of disseminating information as research, exhibitions, and publications. And with the resulting exchanges between diverse cultures around the world, a brand new look will emerge from the continued mix and fusion of ideas and creativity at various levels.
【暢銷新書排行榜】The National Palace Museum 100:Treasures of Emperors
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