Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia:Intercultural and Comparative Perspectives
Rethinking Visual Narratives covers topics from the first millennium BCE through the present day, testifying to the enduring significance of visual stories in shaping and affirming cultural practices in Asia. Contributors analyze how visual narratives function in different Asian cultures, and reveal the multiplicity of ways that images can be narrated. The study of local art forms advances our knowledge of regional iterations and theoretical boundaries, illustrating the importance of pictorial stories to the cultural traditions of Asia.
Contributors include Dominik Bonatz, Sandra Cate, Yonca Kosebay Erkan, Charlotte Galloway, Mary Beth Heston, Yeewan Koon, Sonya S. Lee, Leedom Lefferts, Dore J. Levy, Shane McCausland, Julia K. Murray, Catherine Stuer, Greg M. Thomas, Sarah E. Thompson, and Mary- Louise Totton.
Alexandra Green is the Henry Ginsburg Curator for Southeast Asia at the British Museum in London and editor of Eclectic Collecting: Art fr辦公文具om Burma in the Denison Museum.
officeGO辦公好幫手 內容連載:
- 作者: Alexandra Green
- 出版社:香港大學出版社
- 出版日期:2013/01/01
- 語言:英文
【暢銷新書排行榜】Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia:Intercultural and Co文具用品mparative Perspectives
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